The most shameful and inadequate things to do in sport

Tunisian clowns
The Olympic Games have a long history, and there have been many occasions when individual athletes behaved so inadequately, so disgracefully, that some fans have even come to view them as the real heroes of the competition. The case of the Tunisian pentathletes at the Rome ’60 Olympics came as a shock to even the most experienced sports fan.
It all started when one of the Tunisian athletes almost drowned in the swimming event. He drowned at the very start and then began to struggle feverishly and call for help. In the shooting events the boys were disqualified, as the judges suspected that they were not shooting at targets, but at themselves.
Equestrian sport did not prove to be a hobbyhorse for the Tunisians either, despite the fact that it could not have been worse. The history of Olympic competition had never known such a thing: not a single athlete of the national team was able to stay on his horse. Usually in this sport it is required to complete fifteen jumps, but our heroes did not even reach the very first hurdle.
When the fencing contest came, the Tunisians were remarkable as well: the same fencer, as all the other teammates had never fenced in their life. The plan was a failure, as the rivals suspected cheating and pulled off the African’s mask. An epic fiasco!
Waiting for the apocalypse
Argentine goalkeeper Carlos Roa has every chance of winning the top spot in the anti-rating of absurdity. He distinguished himself in a memorable play-off game in the ’98 World Cup, when his national team played England. Carlos managed a penalty shoot-out on the stroke of half-time which turned the goalkeeper into a national hero.
It was widely expected that he would have a great career, with Chelsea and Man Utd attracting a number of scouts. However, all spoiled by Carlos Roa himself, a little too much with his religious aspirations.
The fact that he was a follower of the Church of Adventist Christians, who believe in a very near-end of the world. The end result was that Argentina’s top goalkeeper gave up football, because the apocalypse was imminent. Together with his family he settled in a quiet area where he was going to save himself and his family.
He was searched for several years without success and once found he was persuaded to return to the worldly life and football. As a result, Carlos has played several years in the Spanish league, refusing, however, to go out on Saturday matches. And at the same time he was cured of testicular cancer. A real miracle, indeed!

They traded the Olympics for an erotic photo shoot.
Two Polish short-track speed skaters, Aida Bella and Marta Wojcik, did not have enough money for a proper preparation for the Sochi Olympics. But how could the pretty girls make a fast buck? Certainly, to take a picture in one of the erotic magazines. Without long deliberation the girls went straight to the most famous of them, “Playboy”. At the photo shoot, they showed off all their sexiest body parts for a fee of around $25,000.
Not a lot of money, but it seemed to be enough for an outfit. However, it was all for nothing. Aida and Marta simply failed to qualify for the Sochi Olympics. On the other hand, they now have an alternative career direction. And they already have invaluable experience in that direction.
Inappropriate patriotism
German Panov, who holds a high position in the International Skating Union, has a reputation as a true patriot of Russia and a man who is very respectful of the president.
In 2015, Chelyabinsk hosted big competitions in speed skating disciplines. At one of the awards, our hero came out wearing a T-shirt with a picture of Vladimir Putin on it. To all appearances, Mr Panov has completely forgotten that sport and politics are incompatible. But Jan Deukema, the union’s vice-president, was aware of this, and so he immediately insisted that the Russian functionary change his shirt.
The media quotes Dutchman Paul Saunders, who heads the Union: “It is clear that Mr. Panov is a supporter of his president. It was his personal position, but politics and sport must be separated. We are gathered here solely for the sake of sport”.